18-19 October
From a current diagnosis to identifying the necessary actions and tools to stop the climate crisis – this is the scope of the two-day debate in a nutshell. Expectations have been set for the COP27 summit in Sharm-el Sheikh, Egypt which begins on 6 November.
The PRECOP 27 conference is a joint initiative by the United Nations Global Compact Network Poland and the PTWP Group, organiser of the European Economic Congress. On 18 and 19 October 2022, more than 20 debates, discussions and accompanying events were attended by 1,200 participants and more than 2,500 people followed the online broadcast. The aim of the meeting, which took place at the International Congress Centre in Katowice, was to set out the common ground of various stakeholders – primarily business, but also science, civil society organisations and government, for the Climate Summit in Egypt (COP27).
More information: www.precop.pl/en/