Halulim • 4584000 Kibutz Eyal
• Israel • +972528427242
Stanowisko: 42
WELDOBOT Ltd. develops and manufactures Innovative solutions for the welding industry in the robot arena.
Weldobot will present in Expo Welding the SuperMig®, a hybrid Plasma/Mig Welding technology. The Patented SuperMig® utilizes two well-known, reliable welding processes: Plasma Arc and MIG Arc in one welding torch.This system when installed on a welding robot is aimed to weld thick and long steels, very efficient and money saving. Welds Up to 15 mm thick can be welded in one pass,without need to bevel Process Benefits:Deeper weld penetration, Much faster welding, No need to bevel, Saving welding material, Reducing heat input. Significantly shortens welding time. Industrial Welding Applications: Crane booms, pressure Vessels, Shipyards, heat exchangers etc.